KIT University Sport Windsurfing Course 2016

The temperatures in the last days went steeply to the 30 ° C and the lake is also almost without neoprene to enjoy. Of course, the students are also tingling in their fingers to finally ride the boards over the water. At 10 o'clock in the morning, an almost inhuman time for students, we met in small groups with up to ten participants and 2-4 instructors at the lake.
The course began with a casual get-to-know-you session followed by an exploration of the SSGL club grounds. After the necessary but dry theory part, in which we learned compactly the most important terms on board and sail, it went directly into the cool water. Each participant paddled out on the lake with a board and could test the limits of his balance skills.
The participants had the chance to try out their balance skills: they paddled all the way forward on the board until they were up to their thighs and could grab the foot straps with their fingertips, only to realize at the same moment how the buoyancy of the board could literally catapult them out of the water. After everyone had developed a feel for the board, we positioned the boards in the water with the bow against each other so that they formed a star and sat down on them quite far forward. We then ran in circles from board to board, with one or two falls inevitable, much to the delight of the other participants.
Theory is turned into reality
After a short breather on land, we finally got to work on the sails, which we familiarized ourselves with through further fun exercises on land. In order to really be allowed to perform the high art of windsurfing, the participants had to get through another theory unit on the possible wind courses, basic position on the board and other basics. To put the finishing touches to the preparation on land, sail retrieval and navigation including tacking were first demonstrated by the training instructors and then tried out by the individual students on the simulator.
Finally, the time had come to put the theory into practice. The instructors were amazed when the first sails were euphorically hoisted out of the water and the first meters were surfed easily, only to be slapped into the water with a loud scream during the first attempts at a turn. The first surfing experiences were a complete success, even if power and wind left us after a few hours. One last time we paddled back the lost height and finished the evening with a well-deserved beer and a juicy steak at the barbecue.
Every summer semester, up to 50 students and doctoral candidates take part in the university windsurfing sport and learn how to surf from our tried and tested instructors Tobi, Jos and Lisa and their addition Janine and Andi on the premises of the SSGL. We have a great time and enjoy each other's company at the occasional barbecue, regular get-togethers and the absolute highlight, the summer vacation at Lake Garda.