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Questions about university sports

General information

Notices are usually posted on the information board in the foyer of the Sports Institute (Building 40.40), on the 1st floor of the New Hall (Building 40.44) and in Hall 3 (Building 30.81). Current information, program changes and information on special events can be found under News and on the homepage of the Institute of Sport and Sport Science. All information can also be found on the HSP's Instagram account.

Students and employees of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and its cooperation partners are eligible to participate (see Conditions of Participation - Eligibility).

Foreign students can also take part in our courses. Our course instructors do their best to facilitate communication in English.

You can find the explicit conditions of participation of the HSP here: https: //www.ifss.kit.edu/hochschulsport/Teilnahmebedingungen.php

Basic contribution

Yes, you will receive a booking confirmation by email immediately after booking. You are then entitled to book courses.

If no course booking/participation was possible, the basic fee will be refunded (even at the end of the semester). To do this, you must send an email to hochschulsport∂ifss.kit.edu requesting a refund. You will then receive a refund form.

To do this, you need to send an email to hochschulsport∂ifss.kit.edu with a request to cancel the basic fee. Simply state the course number of the course to be canceled as well as your first and last name in the email.

No. A separate basic fee must be booked for each semester. If you have not attended a course in a semester, you can request a refund by sending an email to hochschulsport∂ifss.kit.edu.

Course registration / booking

No, participation is only possible after prior registration.

The courses are activated in stages at the start of booking and can therefore be booked. The registration time varies depending on the type of sport. In the course description of the respective course you will find the time at which the course will be activated for booking. Please inform yourself in good time.

Yes, you can register for several courses. However, the basic semester fee only has to be paid once. You can book 3 university sports courses in addition to the basic fee.

If you are enrolled, you can still register for university sports courses via the remaining places allocation. You can book any course that is not fully booked at a later point in the semester. The registration date is not a deadline, but the start of registration. Unfortunately, many courses fill up quickly, which is why you no longer have a free choice. Registration in the walk-in is possible at any time.

The conditions for booking an advanced course can be found in the respective course description. In many cases, participation in a trial training session is required. The passwords for advanced courses can be obtained from the department heads. You will also find the contact details in the course description.

All course fees will be debited from the specified account by SEPA direct debit. For fee-based offers, an IBAN must therefore be provided and confirmation given that the SEPA direct debit procedure is agreed to.

No, you don't have to do anything else. The course fee will be automatically debited from your account about four weeks after the course starts.

The fee is collected or debited by SEPA direct debit four weeks after the start of the course. Courses can therefore be canceled free of charge within the first four weeks. If you register during the semester, the fee will be debited at a fixed later date.

Payment of the basic fee and the course fees is made exclusively by SEPA direct debit. Cash payment or bank transfer is not possible.

If a course is fully booked, you can enter your e-mail address on the waiting list and will then be informed directly when a place becomes available.

The remaining places are always displayed on the homepage in the course search (remaining places). They are not specifically allocated or uploaded, but only the places still available in courses are listed.

Within the first four weeks after the official start of university sports in the respective semester (not the first day of the booked course) there are no cancellation costs and the fees will be refunded 100%. Course cancellations must be made in writing by email to hochschulsport∂ifss.kit.edu . No refunds will be made for later cancellations. The basic fee will only be refunded if no course registration was possible. Cancellation is not automatic. This also requires an e-mail to hochschulsport∂ifss.kit.edu

Sports offer

Most questions can be answered by carefully reading the information in the course description of the respective discipline. If you have sport-specific questions, you can contact the department heads of the discipline directly by e-mail. The contacts can be found in the course program under the respective sport.

You can always find the location of the respective course in the details of the course description. We have also prepared an overview of all our sports facilities in our location finder. All sports facilities are provided with a link to the location. You can easily find your course location using Google navigation.

We do not offer trial training, as unregistered participation in HSP courses is not permitted. However, the sports courses can be tested within the first four weeks of the course. During this period, a fee-free refund is possible in the event of withdrawal. For a refund, please send an e-mail to the following e-mail address: hochschulsport∂ifss.kit.edu

Are you passionate about a sport that we don't yet offer and can you imagine leading the division as the person responsible for university sports? Then write us an email to sportreferat∂ifss.kit.edu in which you introduce the sport and we will make an appointment.

The same applies to taking over the management of an existing sports program. Write us an email and we will put you in touch with the relevant department head.

  1. Accident report must be filled out legibly and signed by the trainer and handed in promptly. This can be found either at the janitors (glass box in building 40.40) or digitally on our homepage: https://www.ifss.kit.edu/hochschulsport/downloads.php
  2. Hand in the accident report to the janitors, send it by e-mail to Beate Sewerin(beate.sewerin∂kit.edu), put it in one of the letterboxes in front of building 40.44 or on the first floor of building 40.44, or put it in the letterbox in front of the janitor's room in building 40.40.
  3. Inform the doctor (transit doctor/see Unfallkasse homepage) that it happened during university sports. The responsible insurance company is the UKBW (Unfallkasse Baden-Württemberg).
  4. If you have any questions, please contact Beate Sewerin: By e-mail(beate.sewerin∂kit.edu) or telephone (+49721 608-43233)

There is specific insurance cover for all participants in the event of sports accidents. Further information can be found under Conditions of Participation.

University Sports also offers the opportunity to place an ad in the Sportpartner:innenbörse to find people who want to do sports together. There is also the KIT SC, the sports club of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, which offers competitive sports, popular sports and health promotion.

The indoor swimming pool is available to all students and employees of KIT and the cooperating institutions at the specified times and for the specified usage fee. The fee for public swimming is €2 for students and €2.50 for employees. To participate in public swimming, an online booking of the desired time slot is required. Here is all the information.

If you have any general questions, please contact our swimming supervisors(0721 608 - 42553) or the University Sports Office(0721 608 - 43233). We expressly point out that you must observe the swimming and usage regulations!

In the summer semester, our outdoor courts at the IfSS can be booked for free play. For the winter semester, it is possible to book indoor courts from our cooperation partner MTV (Männerturnverein Karlsruhe 1881 e.V.) via our booking system. Current conditions and information on the respective period and booking can be found under Sports offer - Tennis court rental.

Further information

Certificates of attendance are issued by the respective course leader and confirmed in the University Sports Office (Building 40.44, Room 108).

As soon as you have your KIT card and have received your matriculation number, you can register for university sports and/or walk-in and book courses. Remember that you must have a German IBAN to book.

No. No basic contribution has to be paid for the Uniliga.

No, this is not possible without registration. Our outdoor facilities (stadium including tartan track, tennis courts, streetball and calisthenics park) can only be used after registration or booking via our homepage or the University Sports Office.

Apart from the walk-in, the sports facilities are available at weekends if you make an early request by e-mail tosportstaetten∂ifss.kit.edu only for KIT university sports groups (tournaments, courses, etc.).

Questions about the walk-in

General information

Yes, definitely. Take a look at our job advertisements. We are always on the lookout for committed exercise instructors. Or get in touch directly with our contact person for staff at the walk-in, Sebastian Hartmann.

Booking / Payment

A membership not only offers me unlimited use of the walk-in, including the obligatory initial diagnostics and training session at the start of the membership, but also unlimited participation in the courses on offer, as well as use of the swimming pool and calisthenics park during the respective opening times. When booking courses, swimming pool and calisthenics times, please note that the status 'walk-in member' must be specified when booking. The walk-in card must be shown at the course control.

No, you do not have to book a basic membership for the walk-in gym.

No, for the walk-in courses you do not have to book a basic fee either.

Via EC card on the launch date.

The semester card for Basic and/or Special courses is booked and billed via the university sports booking system. Payment via SEPA direct debit.

Fitness studio

This is not possible with us. However, you can view the walk-in in person at any time and get advice from our team.

The initial diagnosis is obligatory for every new member and training can only begin after this appointment. Various fitness-specific tests are carried out at the initial diagnostic appointment and information about the training program is provided.

Non-members also have the option of having an initial assessment (BIA) carried out for a fee. Please contact Sebastian Hartmann with any questions.

Please note our dress code. This includes the following points:

  • Do not train in a muscle shirt!
  • Do not train barefoot / in socks!
  • Do not train in street shoes!
  • Use sports shoes!
  • Use a towel as a support!

Please also take care of your fellow trainees and respect our team of trainers. Thank you :)

In any case. Good exercise execution is particularly important to us. Our staff are trained and can give you tips on how to perform and train on each piece of equipment.

Course offer

There is a basic and a special card. The cards can be booked at any time, i.e. also during the semester. The semester card is discounted depending on the time of the semester. The Special card also entitles you to attend the Fitness Basic courses.

As soon as you have a Basic or Special card or a walk-in membership, you can book the desired courses flexibly via the booking system. Please bring the relevant documents with you to the course.

All courses are included in the walk-in membership. Before taking part in a course, however, you must register for the respective course via the booking system on the homepage.

Yes, please cancel your registration if you are unable to attend the course. This will give someone on the waiting list the opportunity to take part in the sports course. You can deregister directly with Sebastian Hartmann, stating your name, matriculation number and the respective course offer.

In principle, a selection of basic and special courses are offered each semester. Depending on the availability of instructors, the courses offered may vary from semester to semester.