
Dr. Bernd Stetter

  • Engler-Bunte-Ring 15
    76131 Karlsruhe

Office Hours and News

Tuesday, 02:00 – 03:00 PM

Appointment by agreement by E-Mail


Research interests

  • Biomechanics of human movement
  • Clinical biomechanics
  • Wearable sensors based on human movement analysis
  • Machine learning in biomechanics

Research projects

  • Improving surgical treatment outcomes in Hip Osteoarthritis based on Biomechanical and Biomarkers Discoveries (HOBBID)
  • Biomechanical evaluation of a knee brace for the treatment of medio-tibiofemoral knee osteoarthritis
  • Biomechanical evaluation of a sensor-equipped knee brace for joint load estimation in patiens with knee osteoarthritis


  • VL "Neuromechanics: Motor Control and Biomechanics of Human Movements" (Master)
  • PS "Anatomy"
  • PS "Exercise Science"
  • Ü "Gait and Balance Analysis"


Since 2021 Research associate / Postdoc, IfSS, KIT
2015 - 2021 Research assistant and PhD Student, IfSS, KIT
2014/2015 Research assistant, Pattern Recognition Lab, Department of Computer Science, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuernberg

Research stay at the Human Performance Lab, University of Calgary, Canada

2011 – 2014

Master of Science in Sports Science (major: Movement and Technology), KIT


Semester abroad at Human Performance Lab, University of Calgary, Canada

2008 – 2011 Bachelor of Engineering in Technical Orthopedics, University of Applied Sciences Münster

Prices and Scholarships

  • 1st place at the dvs-young-generation-keynote 2023 at the Sports, Medicine and Health Summit in Hamburg
  • 3rd place at the dvs-young-generation-awards 2019 at the 24th day of sport scientific universities of the dvs
  • Travel scholarship in the circumstances of the dvs-young-generation-awards 2019
  • Graduate Award 2014 of the IfSS for the Master's Program "Movement and Technology"
  • PROMOS-Scholarship (2013)
  • NRW-Scholarship (2010/11)


  • Member of the steering committee of the IfSS
  • Member of the German Society for Biomechanics (DGfB)
  • Member of the European College of Sports Science (ECSS)