List of Publications
Kettner, C. (2025, February 6). Influence of the Craniomandibular System on Human Postural Control with Special Consideration of Dynamic Stability. PhD dissertation. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000177959
Kettner, C.; Stetter, B. J.; Stein, T. (2025). The effects of running shoe stack height on running style and stability during level running at different running speeds. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 13, Article no: 1526752. doi:10.3389/fbioe.2025.1526752
Möller, T.; Beyerlein, M.; Herzog, M.; Barisch-Fritz, B.; Marquardt, C.; Dezman, M.; Mombaur, K.; Asfour, T.; Woll, A.; Stein, T.; Krell-Rösch, J. (2025). Human motor performance assessment with lower limb exoskeletons as a potential strategy to support healthy aging—a perspective article. Progress in biomedical engineering, 7 (1), 013001. doi:10.1088/2516-1091/ada333
Steingrebe, H.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2025). Mild-to-moderate hip osteoarthritis and hip bracing influence hip and knee biomechanics during 90° turns while walking. Clinical biomechanics, 122, Artikelnr.: 106420. doi:10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2024.106420
Beyerlein, M.; Herzog, M.; Stein, T. (2024). The influence of single-session blocked vs. randomized perturbation-based balance training on dynamic stability in young adults. Gait & posture, 22–23. doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2024.07.035
Brocherie, F.; Stetter, B. J.; Poltavski, D.; Vigh-Larsen, J. F. (2024). Editorial: Hockey: testing and performance. Frontiers in sports and active living, 6. doi:10.3389/fspor.2024.1364470
Fadillioglu, C.; Hoffmann, M.; Hermann, B.; Stein, T. (2024). Leistungsdiagnostik im Recurve-Bogenschießen: Weiterentwicklung eines Druckmesssystems zur Analyse der Dynamik der Schützen-Bogen-Interaktion. BISp-Jahrbuch Forschungsförderung 2022/23; Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft (Hrsg.), 198–203, Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft (BISp).
Fadillioglu, C.; Kanus, L.; Möhler, F.; Ringhof, S.; Schmitter, M.; Hellmann, D.; Stein, T. (2024). Persisting effects of jaw clenching on dynamic steady-state balance. PLOS ONE, 19 (2), Article no: e0299050. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0299050
Fadillioglu, C.; Stetter, B. J.; Stein, T. (2024). Effects of stack height on running biomechanics during level, uphill and downhill running at different speeds. ISBS 2024 Conference Proceedings;Eds.: J. Holder, I. Fessl, E. Harbour,, H. Schwameder, Artikel 45, International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS).
Hellmann, D.; Fadillioglu, C.; Kanus, L.; Möhler, F.; Schindler, H. J.; Schmitter, M.; Stein, T.; Ringhof, S. (2024). Influence of oral motor tasks on postural muscle activity during dynamic reactive balance. Journal of oral rehabilitation, 51 (6), 1041–1049. doi:10.1111/joor.13659
Herzog, M.; Riedel, N.; Beyerlein, M.; Weber, J.; Deml, B.; Stein, T. (2024). Adaptation of walking patterns to bilateral loaded walking. ISBS 2024 Conference Proceedings;Eds.: J. Holder, I. Fessl, E. Harbour,, H. Schwameder, Artikel 88.
Krell-Roesch, J.; Syrjanen, J. A.; Möller, T.; Krafft, J.; Barisch-Fritz, B.; Kremers, W. K.; Ali, F.; Knopman, D. S.; Petersen, R. C.; Stein, T.; Woll, A.; Vassilaki, M.; Geda, Y. E. (2024). Self-reported physical activity and gait in older adults without dementia: a longitudinal study. Health science reports, 7 (11), Art.-Nr.: 70108. doi:10.1002/hsr2.70108
Möller, T.; Krell-Rösch, J.; Woll, A.; Stein, T. (2024). Diagnose motorischer Leistungsfähigkeit mit Exoskeletten. Sporttechnologie: Technologien, Anwendungsfelder, Sportgeräte und Materialien für den Sport. Hrsg.: D. Memmert, 39–46, Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-68128-2_5
Möller, T.; Krell-Rösch, J.; Woll, A.; Stein, T. (2024). Diagnosis of Motor Performance Using Exoskeletons. Sports Technology. Hrsg.: D. Memmert, 35–41, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-68703-1_5
Riedel, N.; Herzog, M.; Stein, T.; Deml, B. (2024). Cognitive-motor interference during walking with modified leg mechanics: A dual-task walking study. Frontiers in psychology, 15, Article no.: 1375029. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1375029
Spancken, S.; Hoffmann, M.; Müller, S.; Stein, T. (2024). Modellierung der Leistungsstruktur in den olympischen Gewehrdisziplinen Luft- und Kleinkalibergewehr. BISp-Jahrbuch Forschungsförderung 2022/23; Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft (Hrsg.), 28–34, Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaftt.
Steingrebe, H.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2024). Mobility Requirements and Joint Loading during Straight Walking and 90° Turns in Healthy Older People and Those with Hip Osteoarthritis. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 13 (17). doi:10.3390/jcm13175021
Stetter, B. J.; Fadillioglu, C.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2024). Effects of running shoe stack height on movement variability - a shared biomechanical and motor control perspective. ISBS 2024 Conference Proceedings;Eds.: J. Holder, I. Fessl, E. Harbour,, H. Schwameder, Artikel 268.
Stetter, B. J.; Fiedler, J.; Arndt, M.; Stein, T.; Sell, S. (2024). Impact of a Semi-Rigid Knee Orthotic Intervention on Pain, Physical Activity, and Functional Capacity in Patients with Medial Knee Osteoarthritis. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 13 (6), Article no: 1535. doi:10.3390/jcm13061535
Stetter, B. J.; Stein, T. (2024). Machine Learning in Biomechanics: Enhancing Human Movement Analysis. Artificial Intelligence in Sports, Movement, and Health. Ed.: C. Dindorf, 139–160, Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-67256-9_9
Fadillioglu, C.; Kanus, L.; Möhler, F.; Ringhof, S.; Hellmann, D.; Stein, T. (2023). Effects of jaw clenching on dynamic reactive balance task performance after 1-week of jaw clenching training. Frontiers in neurology, 14, Art.-Nr.: 1140712. doi:10.3389/fneur.2023.1140712
Fadillioglu, C.; Kanus, L.; Möhler, F.; Ringhof, S.; Schmitter, M.; Hellmann, D.; Stein, T. (2023). Effects of stomatognathic motor activities on dynamic reactive balance. dvs-Biomechanik 2023 Tagungsband. Hrsg.: K. Witte, 193–195, Steinbeis-Edition.
Federolf, P. A.; Mohr, M.; Pepping, G.-J.; Stein, T.; Van Andel, S.; Weir, G. (Eds.). (2023). Human movement and motor control in the natural environment. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. doi:10.3389/978-2-8325-2618-7
Herzog, M.; Krafft, F. C.; Stetter, B. J.; d’Avella, A.; Sloot, L. H.; Stein, T. (2023). Rollator usage lets young individuals switch movement strategies in sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit tasks. Scientific reports, 13 (1), Art.-Nr.: 16901. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-43401-6
Käppler, M.; Mamaev, I.; Alagi, H.; Stein, T.; Deml, B. (2023). Optimizing Human-Robot Handovers: The Impact of Adaptive Transport Methods. Frontiers in robotics and AI, 10, Art.-Nr.: 1155143. doi:10.3389/frobt.2023.1155143
Mohr, M.; Federolf, P. A.; Pepping, G.-J.; Stein, T.; Van Andel, S.; Weir, G. (2023). Editorial: Human movement and motor control in the natural environment. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 11, Article no: 1210173. doi:10.3389/fbioe.2023.1210173
Möller, T.; Möhler, F.; Krell-Rösch, J.; Dezman, M.; Marquardt, C.; Asfour, T.; Stein, T.; Woll, A. (2023). Use of Lower Limb Exoskeletons as an Assessment Tool for Human Motor Performance: A Systematic Review. Sensors, 23 (6). doi:10.3390/s23063032
Riedel, N.; Herzog, M.; Stein, T.; Deml, B. (2023). Effects of modified leg mechanics on cognitive performance and workload during dual-task walking. Proceedings Conference Liverpool 2023 : Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter Annual Meeting in Liverpool, UK, 2023. Ed.: D. Waard.
Schwameder, H.; Stein, T. (2023). Struktur sportlicher Bewegung – Grundlagen der Sportmechanik. Sport : Das Lehrbuch für das Sportstudium / herausgegeben von Arne Güllich, Michael Krüger. Hrsg.: A. Güllich, 119–182, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-64695-3_5
Steingrebe, H.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2023). Hip range of motion requirements during straight walking and 90° turns in healthy elderlies and hip osteoarthritis patients. dvs-Biomechanik 2023 Tagungsband. Hrsg.: K. Witte, 71–73, Steinbeis-Edition.
Steingrebe, H.; Spancken, S.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2023). Effects of hip osteoarthritis on lower body joint kinematics during locomotion tasks: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in sports and active living, 5, Art.-Nr.: 1197883. doi:10.3389/fspor.2023.1197883
Stetter, B. J.; Kuklok, S.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2023). Prediction of lower limb joint moments during walking based on 3D hip, knee and ankle angles. dvs-Biomechanik 2023. Tagungsband. Hrsg.: K. Witte, 74–76, Steinbeis-Edition.
Fadillioglu, C.; Kanus, L.; Möhler, F.; Ringhof, S.; Hellmann, D.; Stein, T. (2022). Influence of Controlled Stomatognathic Motor Activity on Sway, Control and Stability of the Center of Mass During Dynamic Steady-State Balance—An Uncontrolled Manifold Analysis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16, Art.Nr. 868828. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2022.868828
Fadillioglu, C.; Möhler, F.; Reuter, M.; Stein, T. (2022). Changes in Key Biomechanical Parameters according to the Expertise Level in Runners at Different Running Speeds. Bioengineering, 9 (11), 616. doi:10.3390/bioengineering9110616
Focke, A.; Steingrebe, H.; Möhler, F.; Ringhof, S.; Sell, S.; Potthast, W.; Stein, T. (2022). Effekte verschiedener Orthesenkonzepte auf die Kniegelenkstabilität bei Patienten mit vorderer Kreuzbandruptur. Orthopädie-Technik, 73 (4), 68–75.
Herzog, M.; Focke, A.; Maurus, P.; Thürer, B.; Stein, T. (2022). Random Practice Enhances Retention and Spatial Transfer in Force Field Adaptation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16, Art.Nr. 816197. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2022.816197
Krafft, F. C.; Herzog, M.; Stein, T.; Sloot, L. H. (2022). Young Individuals Are More Stable and Stand More Upright When Using Rollator Assistance During Standing up and Sitting Down. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10, Art.-Nr.: 876349. doi:10.3389/fbioe.2022.876349
Moeller, T.; Krell-Roesch, J.; Woll, A.; Stein, T. (2022). Effects of Upper-Limb Exoskeletons Designed for Use in the Working Environment : A Literature Review. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 9, Art.Nr. 858893. doi:10.3389/frobt.2022.858893
Möhler, F.; Fadillioglu, C.; Scheffler, L.; Müller, H.; Stein, T. (2022). Running-Induced Fatigue Changes the Structure of Motor Variability in Novice Runners. Biology, 11 (6), 942. doi:10.3390/biology11060942
Möhler, F.; Fadillioglu, C.; Stein, T. (2022). Changes in spatiotemporal parameters, joint and CoM kinematics and leg stiffness in novice runners during a high-intensity fatigue protocol. (Y. Lee, Ed.) PLOS ONE, 17 (4), e0265550. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0265550
Nigg, C.; Amesberger, G.; Ewing, C.; Finzenkeller, T.; Keller, M.; Pellegrini, C.; Ruin, S.; Stein, T.; Thiel, A.; Poppel, M. van; Würth, S. (2022). Current Issues in Sport Science : Highlighted research directions. Current issues in sport science, (7). doi:10.36950/2022ciss006
Spancken, S.; Hoffmann, M.; Müller, S.; Steingrebe, H.; Stein, T. (2022). Leistungsbestimmende Merkmale in den olympischen Disziplinen Luft- und Kleinkalibergewehr. Leistungssport, 52 (4), 26–31.
Steingrebe, H.; Stetter, B. J.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2022). Effects of Hip Bracing on Gait Biomechanics, Pain and Function in Subjects With Mild to Moderate Hip Osteoarthritis. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10, Art.Nr. 888775. doi:10.3389/fbioe.2022.888775
Stetter, B.; Herzog, M.; Spancken, S.; Stein, T. (Eds.). (2022). Modularität in der motorischen Kontrolle : Tagungsband, Jahrestagung der dvs-Sektion Sportmotorik 2022, 07.-09. September 2022 in Karlsruhe. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT).
Altmann, S.; Neumann, R.; Härtel, S.; Kurz, G.; Stein, T.; Woll, A. (2021). Agility testing in amateur soccer: A pilot study of selected physical and perceptual-cognitive contributions. PLoS ONE, 16 (6 June), e0253819. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0253819
Drongelen, S. van; Stetter, B. J.; Böhm, H.; Stief, F.; Stein, T.; Meurer, A. (2021). Identification of Patients with Similar Gait Compensating Strategies Due to Unilateral Hip Osteoarthritis and the Effect of Total Hip Replacement: A Secondary Analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10 (10), Article: 2167. doi:10.3390/jcm10102167
Fadillioglu, C.; Kanus, L.; Möhler, F.; Ringhof, S.; Schindler, H. J.; Stein, T.; Hellmann, D. (2021). Influence of controlled masticatory muscle activity on dynamic reactive balance. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 49 (3), 327–336. doi:10.1111/joor.13284
Möhler, F.; Fadillioglu, C.; Stein, T. (2021). Fatigue-Related Changes in Spatiotemporal Parameters, Joint Kinematics and Leg Stiffness in Expert Runners During a Middle-Distance Run. Frontiers in sports and active living, 3, Art.-Nr.: 634258. doi:10.3389/fspor.2021.634258
Möhler, F.; Stetter, B.; Müller, H.; Stein, T. (2021). Stride-to-Stride Variability of the Center of Mass in Male Trained Runners After an Exhaustive Run: A Three Dimensional Movement Variability Analysis With a Subject-Specific Anthropometric Model. Frontiers in sports and active living, 3, Art.-Nr. 665500. doi:10.3389/fspor.2021.665500
Spancken, S.; Steingrebe, H.; Stein, T. (2021). Factors that influence performance in Olympic air-rifle and small-bore shooting: A systematic review. PLoS ONE, 16 (3 March 2021), e0247353. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0247353
Steingrebe, H.; Stein, T. (2021). Entwicklung und Evaluation eines „Wireless Sensor Moduls“ für die Pistolendisziplinen. Teilprojekt II: Waffenbox und Softwareapplikation. BISp-Jahrbuch Forschungsförderung 2019/20 Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, 241–246, Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft (BISp).
Fadillioglu, C.; Stetter, B. J.; Ringhof, S.; Krafft, F. C.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2020). Automated gait event detection for a variety of locomotion tasks using a novel gyroscope-based algorithm. Gait & posture, 81, 102–108. doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2020.06.019
Focke, A.; Steingrebe, H.; Möhler, F.; Ringhof, S.; Sell, S.; Potthast, W.; Stein, T. (2020). Effect of Different Knee Braces in ACL-Deficient Patients. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 8, Article: 964. doi:10.3389/fbioe.2020.00964
Käppler, M.; Deml, B.; Stein, T.; Nagl, J.; Steingrebe, H. (2020). The Importance of Feedback for Object Hand-Overs Between Human and Robot. Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Applications III – Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies: Future Applications (IHIET 2020), August 27-29, 2020, Paris, France. Ed.: T. Ahram, 29–35, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-55307-4_5
Krafft, F.; Kiefer, T.; Stetter, B.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2020). Why is the left knee rather prone to injury during team handball-specific side-cutting maneuvers to the right?. ISBS Conference Proceedings Archive / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 38 (1), Art. 126/S. 496–499.
Krafft, F. C.; Stetter, B. J.; Stein, T.; Ellermann, A.; Flechtenmacher, J.; Eberle, C.; Sell, S.; Potthast, W. (2020). Deficient knee joint biomechanics in bilateral jumping after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Clinical biomechanics, 77, Article no: 105048. doi:10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2020.105048
Möhler, F.; Marahrens, S.; Ringhof, S.; Mikut, R.; Stein, T. (2020). Variability of running coordination in experts and novices: A 3D uncontrolled manifold analysis. European journal of sport science, 20 (9), 1187–1196. doi:10.1080/17461391.2019.1709561
Müller, J.; Ringhof, S.; Vollmer, M.; Jäger, L. B.; Stein, T.; Weiler, M.; Wiskemann, J. (2020). Out of balance – postural control in cancer patients before and after neurotoxic chemotherapy. Gait & posture, 77, 156–163. doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2020.01.012
Stetter, B. J.; Krafft, F. C.; Ringhof, S.; Stein, T.; Sell, S. (2020). A Machine Learning and Wearable Sensor Based Approach to Estimate External Knee Flexion and Adduction Moments During Various Locomotion Tasks. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 8, Article: 9. doi:10.3389/fbioe.2020.00009
Stetter, B. J.; Möhler, F.; Krafft, F. C.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2020). Identification of fatigue-related kinematic changes in elite runners using a support vector machine approach. ISBS Proceedings Archive, 38 (1), Article no: 68.
Stetter, B. J.; Herzog, M.; Möhler, F.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2020). Modularity in motor control : similarities in kinematic synergies across varying locomotion tasks. Frontiers in sports and active living, (2), Art.-Nr.: 596063. doi:10.3389/fspor.2020.596063
Trautwein, S.; Barisch-Fritz, B.; Scharpf, A.; Ringhof, S.; Stein, T.; Krell-Roesch, J.; Woll, A. (2020). Effects of a 16-week multimodal exercise program on gait performance in individuals with dementia: a multicenter randomized controlled trial. BMC geriatrics, 20 (1), Article no: 245. doi:10.1186/s12877-020-01635-3
Hoffmann, M.; Kurz, G.; Stein, T. (2019). Leistungsdiagnostik im Recurve-Bogenschießen: Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Systems zur Analyse der Dynamik der Schützen-Bogen-Interaktion. BSIp Jahrbuch: Forschungsförderung 2018/2019. Hrsg.: Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, 153–158, Sportverlag Strauß.
Möhler, F.; Ringhof, S.; Debertin, D.; Stein, T. (2019). Influence of fatigue on running coordination: A UCM analysis with a geometric 2D model and a subject-specific anthropometric 3D model. Human movement science, 66, 133–141. doi:10.1016/j.humov.2019.03.016
Richert, F. C.; Stein, T.; Ringhof, S.; Stetter, B. J. (2019). The effect of the heel-to-toe drop of standard running shoes on lower limb biomechanics. Footwear science, 1–10. doi:10.1080/19424280.2019.1630016
Ringhof, S.; Arensmann, A.; Stein, T. (2019). Reliability of measures of dynamic stability for the assessment of balance recovery after a forward loss of balance. Gait & posture, 71, 261–266. doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2019.04.029
Ringhof, S.; Patzer, I.; Beil, J.; Asfour, T.; Stein, T. (2019). Does a Passive Unilateral Lower Limb Exoskeleton Affect Human Static and Dynamic Balance Control?. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 1. doi:10.3389/fspor.2019.00022
Ringhof, S.; Zeeb, N.; Altmann, S.; Neumann, R.; Woll, A.; Stein, T. (2019). Short-term slackline training improves task-specific but not general balance in female handball players. European journal of sport science, 19 (5), 557 – 566. doi:10.1080/17461391.2018.1534992
Steingrebe, H.; Kurz, G.; Stein, T. (2019). Entwicklung und Evaluation eines „Wireless Sensor Moduls“ für die Pistolendisziplinen. Teilprojekt I: Datenbox und Softwareapplikation. AZ 072014/18. BISp-Jahrbuch: Forschungsförderung 2018/2019, 227–232, Sportverlag Strauß.
Stetter, B. J.; Buckeridge, E.; Nigg, S. R.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2019). Towards a wearable monitoring tool for in-field ice hockey skating performance analysis. European journal of sport science, 19 (7), 893–901. doi:10.1080/17461391.2018.1563634
Stetter, B. J.; Ringhof, S.; Krafft, F.; Sell, S.; Stein, T. (2019). Estimation of Knee Joint Forces in Sport Movements Using Wearable Sensors and Machine Learning. Sensors, 19 (17), Article: 3690. doi:10.3390/s19173690
Thürer, B.; Gedemer, S.; Focke, A.; Stein, T. (2019). Contextual Interference Effect Is Independent of Retroactive Inhibition but Variable Practice Is Not Always Beneficial. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 13, Artikel-Nr.: 165. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2019.00165
Trautwein, S.; Barisch-Fritz, B.; Scharpf, A.; Bossers, W.; Meinzer, M.; Steib, S.; Stein, T.; Bös, K.; Stahn, A.; Niessner, C.; Altmann, S.; Wittelsberger, R.; Woll, A. (2019). Recommendations for assessing motor performance in individuals with dementia: suggestions of an expert panel – a qualitative approach. European review of aging and physical activity, 16 (5), 1–14. doi:10.1186/s11556-019-0212-7
Altmann, S.; Kuberczyk, M.; Ringhof, S.; Neumann, R.; Woll, A. (2018). Relationships between performance test and match-related physical performance parameters – A study in professional soccer players across three seasons. German journal of exercise and sport research : Sportwissenschaft, 48 (2), 218–227. doi:10.1007/s12662-018-0519-y
Hoffmann, M.; Kurz, G.; Stein, T. (2018). Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Systems zur Bestimmung der Halteruhe von Pistolenschützen auf Basis des Scatt Shooter Training Systems. BISp-Jahrbuch Forschungsförderung 2016/17, 291–295, Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft (BISp).
Joos, A.; Hoffmann, M.; Stein, T. (2018). Human Center of Mass Trajectory Models Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51 (22), 366–371. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.11.569
Ringhof, S.; Stein, T. (2018). Biomechanical assessment of dynamic balance : Specificity of different balance tests. Human movement science, 58, 140–147. doi:10.1016/j.humov.2018.02.004
Steingrebe, H.; Stein, T.; Bös, K.; Hoffmann, M. (2018). Biomechanical Analysis of the Knee Joint Load During a Unilateral Sit-to-Stand Movement. The open sports sciences journal, 11 (1), 78–87. doi:10.2174/1875399X01811010078
Thürer, B.; Weber, F. D.; Born, J.; Stein, T. (2018). Variable training but not sleep improves consolidation of motor adaptation. Scientific reports, 8 (1), Article no 15977. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-34225-w
Altmann, S.; Spielmann, M.; Engel, F.; Neumann, R.; Ringhof, S.; Oriwol, D.; Härtel, S. (2017). Validity of Single Beam Timing Lights at Different Heights. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 31 (7), 1994–1999. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000001889
Braun, C.; Seidel, I.; Stein, T. (2017). Extrinsic Feedback in Motor Skill Learning : current state of research and practical implications for physical education. International journal of physical education : a review publication, 54 (3), 23–33.
Braun, C.; Seidel, I.; Stein, T. (2017). Intercrosse im Sportunterricht. Eine Unterrichtsreihe für Grundschulen und Gymnasien – Teil I. Lehrhilfen für den Sportunterricht. Sportunterricht [mit Lehrhilfen für den Sportunterricht], 66 (8), 11–15.
Braun, C.; Stein, T.; Seidel, I. (2017). Intercrosse im Sportunterricht. Eine Unterrichtsreihe für Grundschulen und Gymnasien – Teil 2. Sportunterricht, 66 (9), 10–15.
Hoffmann, M.; Moeller, T.; Seidel, I.; Stein, T. (2017). Predicting Elite Triathlon Performance - A Comparison of Multiple Regressions and Artificial Neural Networks. International journal of computer science in sport, 16 (2), 101–116. doi:10.1515/ijcss-2017-0009
Krafft, F. C.; Stetter, B. J.; Stein, T.; Ellermann, A.; Flechtenmacher, J.; Eberle, C.; Sell, S.; Potthast, W. (2017). How does functionality proceed in ACL reconstructed subjects? Proceeding of functional performance from pre- to six months post-ACL reconstruction. PLoS one, 12 (5), e0178430. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0178430
Stein, T.; Hossner, E.-J. (2017). Koordination und Koordinationstraining. Handbuch Trainingswissenschaft/Trainingslehre. Hrsg.: K. Hottenrott, 240–262, Hofmann-Verlag.
Stockinger, C.; Thürer, B.; Stein, T. (2017). Consecutive learning of opposing unimanual motor tasks using the right arm followed by the left arm causes intermanual interference. PLoS one, 12 (5), Art.Nr. e0176594. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0176594
Stockinger C.; Hoffmann, M.; Hohlbein, M. O.; Fischer, A.; Neumann, R. (2017). Sportwissenschaftliche Schülerlabore – Interdisziplinäre Wissenschaftspropädeutik an außerschulischen Lernorten. Sportunterricht, 66 (3), 77–82.
Thürer, B.; Stockinger, C.; Putze, F.; Schultz, T.; Stein, T. (2017). Mechanisms within the Parietal Cortex Correlate with the Benefits of Random Practice in Motor Adaptation. Frontiers in human neuroscience, (11), 403. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2017.00403
Bringeland, S.; Heine, T.; Hoffmann, M.; Stein, T.; Deml, B. (2016). Ergonomische Evaluation eines Handwerker-Kraftassistenzsystems. Arbeit in komplexen Systemen – Digital, vernetzt, human?! : 62. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft, RWTH Aachen University Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft (IAW), Aachen, Germany, 2.–4. März 2016. Hrsg.: M. Jäger, GfA-Press.
Engel, F.; Stockinger, C.; Woll, A.; Sperlich, B. (2016). Effects of Compression Garments on Performance and Recovery in Endurance Athletes. Compression Garments in Sports : Athletic Performance and Recovery. Hrsg.: F. Engel, 33–61, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-39480-0_2
Focke, A.; Spancken, S.; Stockinger, C.; Thürer, B.; Stein, T. (2016). Bilateral practice improves dominant leg performance in long jump. European journal of sport science, 16 (7), 787–793. doi:10.1080/17461391.2016.1141996
Hoffmann, M.; Seidel, I.; Stein, T. (2016). Aspekte der Leistungsstruktur in der Sportart Triathlon. Leistungssport, 46 (5), 9–13.
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Stockinger, C.; Thürer, B.; Focke, A.; Stein, T. (2015). Intermanual transfer characteristics of dynamic learning: direction, coordinate frame, and consolidation of interlimb generalization. Journal of neurophysiology, 114 (6), 3166–3176. doi:10.1152/jn.00727.2015
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