1. What is Open Data?
Open data is data that anyone can use, redistribute, and reuse for any purpose.
2. What is a repository?
A repository is a digital database used to store and organize digital content such as software, documents, or other files to be stored and organized.
3. Why should research data be archived?
Collecting research data is typically labor-intensive, time-consuming, and costly. Archiving research data creates long-term access to various data sets and is intended to promote the exchange of empirical data. Therefore, datasets are made available by MO|RE data for an indefinite period of time. The datasets are stored and archived in the technical environment of the research repository RADAR4KIT. The data will be stored and managed according to EU law.
4. What is meta data and why do I need it?
Metadata provide additional standardized information about data. They provide information about the structure and properties of the data. Good documentation of metadata is often crucial for the reproducibility of results or for the correct interpretation of data. The content of the data is left aside. A distinction is made between mandatory and optional information. Mandatory information is, for example, the title or the name of the author. The collection of metadata is intended to make data more accessible, understandable and reusable.
5. What is MO|RE data?
MO|RE data is a discipline-specific research data repository for research data of sport motor tests. The goal of MO|RE data is to collect valid information, materials and especially data on motor test tasks. MO|RE data provides a reliable platform for publishing and archiving research data from sports science and related disciplines. Research data are prepared for citation and are thus scientifically reusable for interested researchers.
6. Which data is managed in MO|RE data?
MO|RE data stores data on motor performance (motor test items) and related variables (e.g. age, gender) including associated metadata (e.g. author, title, year of publication). These data can be uploaded as raw data (RAW) or in aggregated form (AGG).
7. How can I be certain that my data will be preserverd and eccessible to others beyond the end of the project MO|RE data?
The datasets on MO|RE data are simultaneously published on RADAR4KIT, which reserves the DOI. This ensures a discoverability period of 20 years for the data. Therefore, it is guaranteed that even in the event of the conclusion of MO|RE data, all data will continue to be accessible.
But there are no plans to terminate MO|RE data, as we aim to provide a long-term and reliable infrastructure.
8. What is the target group of MO|RE data?
MO|RE data is relevant for anyone interested in motor performance data.
Scientists can publish, archive, and cite their own data, but also reuse and cite other data. Sports practitioners can search for comparative data and learn about the current state of research.
9. Who is behind MO|RE data?
MO|RE data is a DFG-funded project of the KIT Institute of Sports and Sports Science and the KIT Library.
10. Where can I get support in using MO|RE data?
The manual, FAQs and video tutorials are available for users. Should you ever get stuck, you can contact the MO|RE data team (more-data ∂does-not-exist.sport kit edu).
11. Do I have to register with MO|RE data?
No, you can also search for data on MO|RE data without registering. However, to download data or publish your own data, registration is required.
12. What can I do if I do not receive a verification email after registration?
Check your spam folder and make sure that the mail did not land there by mistake. If you have not received a verification mail within 24h, please feel free to contact the MO|RE data team: more-data ∂does-not-exist.ifss kit edu.
13. I forgot my password. What can I do?
If you forgot your password, you can reset it. To do this, click on the "Forgotten password" button. Please enter the e-mail address you used to log in to this website for the first time. Then click on "reset password". You will shortly receive a randomly generated password at the e-mail address you entered. If you do not remember the email address of your registration, you will need to create a new account.
14. How can I search in MO|RE data?
The MO|RE data web interface offers various search options. How this search function works can be found in the manual in chap. 7 and in this video tutorial.
15. How do I cite data from MO|RE data?
The American Psychological Association (APA) citation style is recommended. Example: author/institution, (YEAR). Title. [Data Set]. DOI
16. How can I add data to MO|Re data?
A detailed explanation of how to use MO|RE data can be found in the manual and here as a video tutorial.
17. I have difficulties uploading my data. Who can I contact?
Try uploading the dataset again at another time. We recommend you to have a look at the manual, FAQs and/or video tutorials to solve possible questions or problems. In case of further difficulties, questions or problems, please feel free to contact the MO|RE data team by mail: more-data ∂does-not-exist.ifss kit edu
18. Why should I map my data?
Only mapped variables can be found via the search on MO|RE data. In addition, data mapping greatly facilitates subsequent use.
Mapping is the first step in the process of uploading. Standardized variables such as motor test items or grouping variables (e.g., age, gender) can be mapped to columns in the uploaded Excel file. The associated descriptions and units must always be followed. However, not all columns have to be mapped, but at least one motor test item as well as age and gender.
19. What criteria will be used to evaluate my data?
The data quality review process consists of two parts. The first part is an automated review of the data quality using defined filters. The second part is a review by the editorial board team, a so-called review process. Further details can be found in the MO|RE data manual.
20. How long does it take for the Editorial Board to review my data?
Review by the Editorial Board usually takes up to three weeks.
21. How long will it take for my dataset to be published?
After submission, the record is forwarded to the Editorial Board for review. The review by the
Editorial Board may take up to three weeks before the dataset is published.
22. How does the DOI assignment in MO|RE data work?
For each dataset published on MO|RE data, the platform assigns a DOI® name. MO|RE data obtains the DOI® names via the internal infrastructure RADAR4KIT, which registers the DOI® names with DataCite. DataCite is an official DOI® registration agency for research data. Thus, the data published at MO|RE can also be found at RADAR4KIT.
23. Why do I need to specify a license when I publish data?
MO|RE data offers its users a choice of free licenses for the data packages (dataset & metadata) under Creative Commons (CC) licenses. On MO|RE data, data providers can choose from two licenses: CC-BY 4.0 International (Attribution) and CC-BY-SA 4.0 International (Attribution-ShareAlike). The license selection is based on the concept of MO|RE data as an Open Science and Open Content platform. The rights of the data holder to the data are not affected by the granting of a CC license. The data holder is also the licensor and must explicitly agree to the use of any license with selection on MO|RE data (metadata field). This means that only the data owner may determine under which CC license the data will be published on MO|RE data. By doing so, the data holder indemnifies the MO|RE data platform from claims of third parties that might be asserted against MO|RE data due to infringement.
24. What are the usage licenses & terms of use?
MO|RE data offers its users for the data packages (dataset & metadata), a choice of free licenses from Creative Commons (CC) licenses. On MO|RE data, data providers can choose from two licenses: CC-BY 4.0 International (Attribution) and CC-BY-SA 4.0 International (Attribution-ShareAlike).
This means that MO|RE data does not receive exclusive rights of use for the publication, but makes the work available to the general public.
The chosen Creative Commons license protects the data providers, as the new works and content created on the basis of their research results may still only be freely distributed using the original license conditions. For any use by third parties, the author must always be credited according to the standards of good scientific practice.
In addition, all users of MO|RE data must agree to the Terms of Use, which are available here.
25. A journal requires my dataset to be publicly available. Can I use MO|RE data for this purpose?
Yes. By publishing your dataset on MO|RE data, it is accessible under license and provided with a DOI with which you can cite your dataset.
26. Can I publish the same dataset in two different repositories?
Yes, this is possible. Note, however, that in many repositories persistent identifiers such as DOI's are assigned automatically. To ensure referencing, you should include the identifier assigned to the dataset when it is first published in a repository in the bibliographic metadata when it is published a second time. Persistent identifiers are automatically assigned on MO|RE data, so it can only be used as an initial repository.
27. Where can I find out if the published dataset is already being re-used by another researcher?
The individual Digital Object Identifier (DOI) offers you the possibility to track the citations of your dataset at any time.
The DOI can be resolved at any time on the following homepage: https://dx.doi.org/
28. Can I delete an uploaded dataset?
Data sets can only be deleted before publication. If you wish to delete a record that has already been published, this will only be done in justified exceptional cases and only after consultation with the MO|RE data team. The MO|RE data team also reserves the right to delete data records for justified reasons. The reasons for deletion are, for example, legal violations, incorrect data in the data set or license changes to the data set that are not compatible with the licenses on MO|RE data.
29. How is my data protected?
The data packages are located on servers of the Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) at KIT. Please refer to the terms of use and the privacy policy for further information. Only anonymized data is stored in MO|RE data. For more information, see the MO|RE data data management plan at https://www.ifss.kit.edu/more/downloads/DMP_MORE_data_20160627.pdf
30. How long is the confirmation link generated during user registration valid for?
The user registration and the confirmation by executing the link in the confirmation mail must not be longer than 24h apart.