Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg
Head of depardment 3: Research Data Center, Methods Development
“To contribute to the research data landscape in Germany, LIfBi is already sharing its expertise in processing research data in various ways. I am delighted to be a member of the MO|RE data scientific advisory board and to support a project that has been dedicated to the topic of 'FAIR Data' for almost a decade.”

Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems, University of Stuttgart
Margarete von Wrangell-Fellow, Postdoctoral Researcher
"The MO|RE data eResearch infrastructure, due to the diversity and relevance of the data, provides an interesting research context for visualization. Visual analytics can make motor performance data even more accessible to the interested public."
Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
Professor of sports science with a focus on Exercise Science
"Without the documentation and general availability of (sports) motor data, sports science could possibly miss out on forward-looking developments in research and teaching. So I'm delighted to be part of this promising project."

Albert-Ludwig-University Freiburg
Department of Sport and Sport Science
"Data-based physical activity recommendations are significant for decision makers to take preventive action to promote physical activity."

Federal Institute of Sport Science
Department IV
"Research data is essential for scientific work and research. Therefore, the development of a sustainable infrastructure that secures it in the long term, connects it and makes it as widely reusable as possible is of crucial importance. This applies to the field of sports motor skills, the entire field of sports science and far beyond."

German Society of Sport Science
Vice President Research
"The "MO|RE Data" project realizes the modern "open science" approach of making research data publicly available. This brings German sports science up to date and lays the foundation for sustainable research activities."
Federal Institute of Sport Science
Department of Exercise Science
„The long-term and sustainable pooling of existing data of motor performance and the linking with data from other disciplines (e.g. socio-economic data) represents an important step in the development of recommendations.“

National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) e.V.
"As a member of the MO|RE Scientific Advisory Board, I would like to contribute my expertise in research data management. I look forward to exciting insights into data-driven sports science research and expect the project to improve data access for science and research."
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Director of KIT-Library
„Mo/RE data brings motion into data and data into motion. I am confident that the open structure can set the tone for other projects in sports science and beyond. I am very happy to support that.”

Helmholtz Association
Head of the Helmholtz Open Science Office
The “Research Data Center Motor Performance” enables the secure sharing of standardized (sports) motor research data in accordance with FAIR principles. I am excited to support this project and its goals of fostering collaboration, accelerating scientific research, and assisting practitioners.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Head of the Staff Office "Staff of the President and CIO" and Chief Digital Officer.
"MO|REdata is one of the subject-specific data repositories operated at KIT, the research university in the Helmholtz Association, and thus already practicing the FAIR Data principles today. By persistently providing high-quality, open research data, KIT specifically promotes their interdisciplinary use. Therefore, I consider it a responsible task to accompany the establishment of MO|REdata in the broader research community as a member of the advisory board and to exchange ideas with colleagues."

University of Heidelberg, Institute for Sport and Sport Science / German Association for Sport Science e.V. (dvs)
Managing Director / Vice President
"I would like to bring the experience I have gained from many years of work at the dvs, including the DFG project of the "Virtual Library of Sports Science", to the "MO|RE data" project. This is connected with the hope that "MO|RE Data" will create a sustainable infrastructure for sports science research data from the field of sports motorics, which will be of great benefit for scientific work."