Fitness check for first semester students - volunteers wanted!
- Datum: 07.02.2024
Aim of the research project: health-related awareness-raising and counseling measures based on a basic fitness examination for first-semester students in cooperation with the university sports department
Target group: first semester students
Period: survey open until February 29
Participation: via emails already sent from 29.01.2024 & 12.02.2024 to target group
Contact: Raphael Schilling | raphael.schilling@kit.edu
Long version
Fitness-Check - The fitness check for first semester students at KIT
The Fitness Check is - in a first step - a low-threshold fitness and health-related awareness-raising measure for all first-semester students at the start of each winter semester at KIT in the form of a social norms online survey to record motor performance and other health-relevant parameters and a social norms-based classification of these variables in relation to the results of the KIT student body in general for each individual survey participant. In a second step, a limited number of these first-semester students from all disciplines at KIT will be given the opportunity to undergo a low-threshold basic fitness examination based on a bioelectrical impedance analysis according to the first-come-first-served principle. As part of the analysis, the participating students receive a summary of the test results in the form of a printout with subsequent interpretation by the respective test supervisor. In a third step, based on the results of the examination, personal advice is given on possible follow-up measures and support services at KIT, including the provision of information material, which includes orientation on the wide range of potential follow-up offers.
The aim of the "Fitness Check" project is to provide first semester students at KIT with information about their individual fitness and health status, to raise their awareness of their health and fitness, and to inform them about the wide range of exercise and health services offered by the Institute of Sport and Sport Science and University Sports. As a result, the fitness check is intended to show the participating students clear options for action in developing a health-promoting lifestyle by changing habits or the environment.
Participating institutions
AOK-Middle Upper Rhine