DHM soccer preliminary round

  • Datum: 02.05.2018

DHM soccer preliminary round

On May 2, the DHM preliminary round took place again at the Sparda-Sportpark at the Sportinstitut. In addition to WG Karlsruhe, WG Stuttgart, Heidelberg and Freiburg also took part.

After the usual course of the organization, the Karlsruhe team dedicated itself fully to the day's goal: qualifying for the intermediate round.

In the first match, the Karlsruhe team skilfully won 6:0 against the team from Freiburg. With beautiful combination play, the Karlsruhe team was able to play to its strengths and effectively defeat its opponent.

In the second match of the preliminary round, the Karlsruhe team faced the university team from Stuttgart. It was a very hard-fought game at eye level from start to finish. Karlsruhe, who were very effective on the day, managed to win the game and scored 1:0 in the second half, which was also the final score.

In the third game, it seemed as if the effectiveness would just continue. Two goals were scored quickly. After that, however, the air was out, which was bearable given the temperatures and the great effort of the first two games. The final score of the third game was 2:2.

This meant that Karlsruhe qualified for the intermediate round in 1st place ahead of Freiburg. The intermediate round is expected to take place again in Karlsruhe in mid-June.