Meditation workshop for all students

The meditation method developed by Scandinavian doctors and psychologists leads to deep relaxation and stress reduction. Regular meditation can have a positive effect on health, performance and interpersonal relationships. Unlike many other forms of meditation, it is a method taught free from any religious background. Acem meditation is easy to learn. The meditator sits upright in a comfortable position on a chair with eyes closed. While doing so, he/she repeats a meditation sound in his/her mind in the most open, relaxed posture possible. You will receive a theoretical and practical introduction that will enable you to continue practicing on your own.
In this introductory course in Acem meditation the basic principles of Acem meditation are presented. The course participants can then gain their first experience with this technique and learn how meditation can be integrated into everyday life.
The course instructor (pictured right) is Atle Wærsted, a physician from Denmark. He teaches meditation in Frankfurt, Mainz, Heidelberg and Freiburg.
Date: December 12 & 13, 2016 from 10:00 - 13:00 at the Sports Institute in the martial arts room large.
Cost: € 40 including textbook (to be paid in the course) - 50% of the cost will be covered by Hochschulsport.
Registration online via the university sports page!