HSP Table Tennis: ITT 2013 in Eindhoven

The 2 team tournament on Saturday was in the hands of the Karlsruhe team: 4 teams made it to the quarter finals! There was the first KIT internal duel, which Röderer/Malutzki won against Yan/Volovyk. In addition, Müller/Beisecker almost managed the surprise and forced the high favorites from Ulm into the deciding doubles, where they were narrowly defeated. In the semi-finals, the excellent Röderer/Malutzki also beat Mößner/Jirasek, another team from Karlsruhe. This made the final perfect! After a long tournament day, however, the two had to settle for 2nd place, which is nevertheless a respectable success!
After the successes were celebrated extensively at the players' party, the singles tournament was on the agenda on Sunday. Many of our players from Karlsruhe could fight their way through the first 2 group phases into the final round of the tournament, which was played in the OK system. Dang, Mößner and Müller were able to fight their way into the round of 16, while all the others had to pay tribute to the exhausting weekend. Julian Beisecker, who slipped into the Consolation Cup early in the morning, could find back to normal form in the course of the tournament and finally won the final of the consolation round. Thus, once again a Karlsruhe player was on the podium.
Looking back, the trip to the Netherlands was, as every year, a great experience for all participants, with no one missing out on both sports and social activities!