Kongresse und Fortbildungen

Ambulatory Assessment Workshop In Kooperation mit dem 33. dvs-Nachwuchsworkshop
Im Vorfeld des dvs Hochschultags ins Bochum fand am 18. und 19. September 2023 ein Workshop zum Thema Ambulatory Assessment statt. Dort bekamt Ihr unter Anleitung von Expert*innen Einblicke in die Methoden des Ambulatory Assessment, konntet eure Kompetenzen erweitern und eigene Ideen entwickeln und diskutieren.
Unter anderen lieferten folgende Referent*innen umfassende Einblicke in das Ambulatory Assessment mit Blick auf sportwissenschaftliche Fragestellungen:
- JProf. Dr. Markus Reichert
- Dr. Birte von Haaren-Mack
- Prof. Dr. Martina Kanning
- Dr. Marco Giurgiu
IfSS Kolloquium
Gastvortrag: Dr. Regina Guthold
Young people’s physical activity – A global perspective.
Datum: Donnerstag, 11.05.2023, 15:45 - 17:15 Uhr, SR 101
This presentation will start by briefly describing the health effects of physical activity and sedentary behaviour for children and adolescents aged 5-17 years. It will then outline the WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour for this population group. Global data on the percentage of young people meeting these guidelines will then be presented, along with data on other specific aspects of physical activity. Data gaps as well as challenges related to data collection and interpretation will be highlighted. The presentation will conclude by describing global strategies on getting children and adolescents moving, as per the Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018-2030.
Regina Guthold, PhD, is a Scientist working on adolescent health monitoring and evaluation in the Department for Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health at the World Health Organization. She holds a PhD in Health Sciences, along with two Master’s degrees (Public Health and Sport Science).
Regina has over 15 years’ work experience in surveillance, monitoring and evaluation of population health, with a focus on physical activity. She has supported governments of over 50 countries around the world in the implementation of nationally representative surveys. Regina is passionate about improving the health of adolescents globally, through better understanding and using health data, and through supporting positive change of environments to make the healthy choice the easy choice.
IfSS Kolloquium
Gastvortrag: Dr. Dirk Lehr
Occupational e-Mental Health – Chancen und Herausforderungen der digitalen Gesundheitsförderung für Berufstätige
Datum: Donnerstag 04.05.2023, 15:45 bis 17:15 Uhr, SR 101
Prof. Dr. Dirk Lehr wird einen Vortrag über digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen halten. Dabei wird er Einblicke in das Forschungsfeld Psychologie, vor allem den Bereich Arbeit und mentale Gesundheit, geben, sowie in seine Projekte die auf Ausgründungen von digitalen Gesundheitsanwendungen abzielten.
Prof. Dr. Dirk Lehr (https://www.leuphana.de/institute/isep/personen/dirk-lehr.html)
Werdegang und Schwerpunkte: Studium der Psychologie an der Philipps-Universität Marburg.
Seit 2015 Professor für Gesundheitspsychologie und Angewandte Biologische Psychologie an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg.
2011–2015 Projektleiter von GET.ON GesundheitsTraining.Online im Innovations-Inkubator an der Leuphana Universität.
2002–2011 Tätigkeit als Medizin-Psychologe am Fachbereich Humanmedizin der Philipps Universität Marburg. Approbation als Psychologischer Psychotherapeut (Verhaltenstherapie). Der Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt auf dem Zusammenhang von Arbeit und Gesundheit, der Entwicklung und Evaluation von Internet gestützten und Smartphone basierten Angeboten zur Gesundheitsförderung für Berufstätige sowie berufsbezogener Therapie.
IfSS Kolloquium
Gastvortrag: Dr. Peter Düking
Aus dem Labor ins Feld: Derzeitige und zukünftige tragbare Technologien zur Verwendung in (sport-) wissenschaftlicher Forschung
Datum: Donnerstag, 19.05.2022, 16:00 bis 17:30 Uhr
Getrieben von einer schnellen technologischen Entwicklung kommen (Sport-) Wissenschaftler vermehrt in Kontakt mit immer kleiner werdenden tragbarenb Technologien, welche mithilfe verschiedenster Sensorik und Algorithmen diverse (Bio-) Parameter erfassen können. Dabei ist die Entwicklung so schnell, dass leicht der Überblick über die technologischen Möglichkeiten für (sport - ) wissenschaftliche Forschung verloren gehen kann. Der Vortrag von Dr. Peter Düking möchte einen Einblick in aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der tragbaren Technologien geben und damit Denkanstöße für zukünftige (sport-) wissenschaftliche Forschung liefern.
IfSS Kolloquium
Gastvortrag: Boris Cheval
Effort Minimization in Physical Activity
Datum: 20.05.2021, 16 Uhr via Zoom
While the automatic attraction to effort minimization has been widely evidenced in multiple fields, its potential role in explaining the pandemic of physical inactivity has been overlooked. In this presentation, I will first introduce the Theory of Effort Minimization in Physical Activity (TEMPA), a theory that aims to provide a more accurate understanding of the neuropsychological determinants of movement-based behaviors. Then, I will present behavioral, psychophysiological, and large-scale longitudinal data supporting the TEMPA. Finally, I will discuss the implications in terms of interventions aiming to tackle the pandemic of physical inactivity.
Dr. Boris Cheval mainly investigates the behavioral and brain mechanisms involved in the regulation of movement-based behaviors. In particular, he is trying to shed light on the exercise paradox, that is, why may individuals intending to be physically active fail to turn these intentions into actions. He completed a PhD from the University Grenoble Alpes in France. In 2019, he obtained an Ambizione scholarship at the Swiss Center for Affective Science at the University of Geneva. He has published more than 60 articles and wrote in 2020 a popularization scientific book entitled “Le syndrome du paresseux”.
IfSS Kolloquium
Gastvortrag: Lizeth Sloot
It’s all about the patient: using movement analysis to individualize assistance provided by smart technology
Datum: 17.12.2020, 16 Uhr
Lizeth Sloot is a postdoctoral researcher at the ZITI Institute of Computer Engineering at Heidelberg University, where she investigates the deterioration of human motion and stability with aging. After her PhD work on the quantifi cation of spasticity in children with Cerebral Palsy in Amsterdam, Lizeth evaluated the effect of assistance provide by a soft robotic exosuit on the walking ability of post-stroke patients at Harvard University.
The assistance we can potentially provide to restore function in patients with movement impairments seems endless with the introduction of ambulant sensors and smart assistive technology in the fi eld of rehabilitation medicine, shifting the challenge from how to what to support. Often, patients with motor disorders present with a complex combination of movement impairments that require individualized assistance to effectively restore their ability to move. This presentation will focus on how instrumented movement analysis can provide more detailed assessment of impairments over clinical tests, and as such can steer the design of individualized assistance. Specifi cally, Lizeth will talk about the evaluation of the assistance provided by the soft exosuit and her current work to inform the design of robotic rollators to improve walking ability.
2nd International Workshop of the Center for the Assessment of Physical Activity (CAPA)
The Center for the Assessment of Physical Activity (CAPA) team in Karlsruhe, Germany is hosting the 2nd international workshop titled “Physical Activity Assessment – State of the Science, Best Practices, Future Directions”. The workshop will take place on Thursday July 11th and Friday July 12th 2019 at the Institute of Sports and Sports Science (IfSS), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Expert panels on one of the topics of either physical activity questionnaires, accelerometers, or ambulatory assessment will be held with groups of international researchers. The expert panels will meet and discuss the topics with the goal of creating a consensus statement that will then be further developed after the workshop and finally published (pending peer review) in a special issue of Psychology of Sports and Exercise (PSE).
Benefits of participating in the workshop:
- Hear from international experts about the state of the science of different physical activity assessment methodologies (PA questionnaires, accelerometry, ambulatory assessment, doubly labelled water).
- Participate in a workshop to develop best practice recommendations and brainstorm future directions for physical activity assessment methodologies in an expert panel.
- Be part of a writing team for a special section/issue to advance the science and practice in this topic, which will appear in Psychology of Sports and Exercise (PSE – pending peer review).
- Presentaion of PA assessment work during the poster session.
- See what CAPA is currently working on.
- Network and build potential future collaborations.
- Come and visit Karlsruhe – a very bicycle and pedestrian friendly city
- Charles Matthews, Ph.D.
- Prof. Dr. Sonia Lippke
- Yue Liao, M.P.H., Ph.D., C.P.H.
- Claudio Nigg, Ph.D.
- Prof. Dr. Achim Bub
IfSS Kolloquium
Gastvortrag: Claudio R. Nigg, PhD, FSBM
Lessons learned over the past 4-years of implementing the Waipahu HART project: An adolescent peer-led physical activity and nutrition program
Datum: 10.01.2019, 17:30 – 19:00 Uhr
The Health Action Research and Training (HART) program is an eight session physical activity and healthy eating curriculum delivered by peers in a high school class setting. From 2014-2016 Grade 11 and 12 classes were trained and implemented HART with grade 9-10 students, whereas from 2016-2018 a few grade 12 students were selected as the onsite program coordinators (PCs)
who trained and oversaw grade 11 classes of peer educators (PEs), and the PEs implemented HART with grade 9 students. In addition to presenting the results over 4 years, important lessons learned will be discussed.
IfSS Kolloquium
Objective measurement of Physical Behaviour: (clinical) opportunities and developments
Do. 23.11.2017, 17:30–19:00 Uhr, Hörsaal
Institut für Sport und Sportwissenschaft, Geb. 40.40
- Prof. Dr. Hans Bussmann - Associate Professor Deptartment of Rehabilitation Medicine, Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam (Netherlands), Vice & Past President of the Society for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour
The importance of physical behaviour – i.e. the body postures, movements and physical activities people perform in their daily life – is generally accepted. Technological developments progressively allow objective and precise measurement, which will increasingly affect clinical research and practice. In this Kolloquium an overview will be given of the background and some applications of objective measurement of physical behaviour, supported by recent examples of own and other research. Current relevant developments in this area will also be discussed.
Ambulatory Assessment Colloquium
June, 19th 2017 from 09:30 to 13:15
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Birte von Haaren-Mack (University of Cologne, Germany): “Effects of aerobic exercise training on psychophysical stress reactivity to real-life stressors”
Markus Reichert (KIT, Germany): “Novel approaches for investigating physical activity’s psychological and neurobiological correlates: Combining Interactive Ambulatory Assessment and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging”
Elena Koch (KIT, Germany): “Mobile-Health intervention: Integrating video clips and automated real-time feedback in Ambulatory Assessment”
Genevieve Dunton (University of Southern California, USA): “Ecological Momentary Assessment in Physical Activity Research: Examining Synchronicity, Sequentiality, and Instability”
Martina Kanning (University of Konstanz, Germany): “How can we measure environmental effects on affective states and physical activity in everyday life?”
Jutta Mata (University of Mannheim, Germany): “Healthy, happy, and beyond: The role of health behaviors for affect and other indicators of well-being”
HEPA Symposium
29th – 30th March, 2017
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Our intention is to bring scientists and researchers together in order to share knowledge, experience, and research. We also provide a platform for comprehensive multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral approaches to promote health-enhancing physical activity.
- Prof. Dr. Ulf Ekelund: Physical activity, sedentary time and health in youth; The importance of accurate measurement of the exposure variables
- Prof. Dr. Willem van Mechelen: Physical activity and health in children: interventions for people and places
- Prof. Dr. Gareth Stratton: Children's physical activity and health research in the 21st century. The community as a laboratory
- Prof. Dr. Johannes Brug: Differences in motivations, abilities and opportunities for physical activity and sedentary behavior among school children across Europe: results from the ENERGY and DEDIPAC studies
Thank you for your great contribution to the symposium and for your excellent talks.