About Fridericiana-Cup

Its name derive from Grand Duke Friedrich I., who gave the former University of Carlsruhe the surname "Fridericiana". Colloquial it is called "Fridi-Cup".
Due to the fact, that our team has got a high amount of girls and to handle better our tournament, we decided to make specific rules, which are different from the official ones. Although waterpolo is minted masculine, we reach at our Fridi-Cup about 40% girls.
The biggest Fridi-Cup took place in 2012 with 16 teams, from 5 nations. Hitherto the biggest Cup was played with 12 teams.
Next FridiCup: XVI. Fridericiana-Cup 2013 @ KIT from 14.-16.06.2013
Look up our XVI. Fridericiana-Cup at adh-Event-Calender.
accomodation, catering & fees
- accommodation
Don’t forget to bring your airbed/camping mat and sleeping bag!
- catering
- several snacks & beverages are available during the competition days
- on Saturday evening there will be a TeamBBQ (all-you-can-eat)
- fees
€ 25,- per participant
incl. breakfast, accommodation, snacks during the day, TeamBBQ & party
attending teams of XVI. fridericiana-cup 2013
- Universität zu Köln / Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln (fridi-cup rookie; GER)
- Uni Tübingen (GER)
- Uni München (GER)
- SV Heilbronn (GER)
- KSK Krokodile (GER)
- Paris VI (F)
- Echirolles WP (F)
- Libellule de Paris (fridi-cup rookie; F)
- KVS Plzen (CZ)
- KEAC Budapest (HU)
official rules of Fridericiana-Cup
- normal Water-Polo rules
- playing time = 2*10min. without interruptions (if 16 teams; group stage with 1*15min. without interruptions)
- no time-outs
- max. 3 exclusions per person
- min. 7 own players per team, 7 players per team & min. 1 woman in the water (womengoals counts twice)
- 2 points/win, 1 point/draw, 0 points/loss; if same amount of points: 1. goal diff., 2. direct comp., 3. amount of goals; Golden Goal, if draw in finals.
- Pool: 25m * 12,5m, water-temperature: ~27°C
- Shoes & glass bottles are not allowed at the pool – thank you for apprehension!
- In the interest of sportsmanlike behavior, we would appreciate that every team stays present until the end of the event (including the award ceremony). In return, we guarantee a fast process. Thank you!
- Friday, 14.06 – arrival & check-in (starting 8 p.m.)
- Saturday, 15.06 – breakfast, competition, our famous Bierstaffel, TeamBBQ, party
- Sunday, 16.06 – breakfast, competition, award ceremony, departure
Latest timetable & match schedule will be given to you at check-in & two weeks before the happening of the event.