Dr. Holger Hill
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Bipolar disorders are severe chronic illnesses marked by recurrent episodes of depression and (hypo-)mania. Prevention is essential since these episodes are associated with marked impairment in social and occupational functioning. We conduct a randomized, multi-center, observer-blind, parallel group controlled trial with an 18-month intervention phase to investigate whether early warning signs of new depressive or (hypo-)manic episodes and individual threshold-based early interventions will prolong time to a new mood episode. In details, we continuously assess telephone usage (phone calls, text messages and internet usage), movement behavior (steps, movement patterns and activity classes) as well as location (GPS-data) across 18 months. Individual symptom thresholds are defined during 4 consecutive weeks of stabilization. Patients with randomization criteria enter the intervention phase for 18 months. This includes real-time data capturing and data-driven individual symptom-threshold-defined therapeutic interventions in addition to state-of-the-art maintenance treatment.
PD Dr. Holger Hill
+49 721 608 - 41974
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ebner-Priemer